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Peer Reviewed Publications
Fish, C.S. S. Steidle-Nix**, S. Brown**. (2025) Cartographic Storytelling and the potential to be lost in a map story: Narrative Transportation Theory for the improvement of Map Stories. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization.
Slavik, C.***, C. Fish, and E. Peters. (2024) Using geovisualizations to educate the public about environmental health hazards: What works and why. Current Environmental Health Reports.
Thatcher, J., D. Retchless, and C.S. Fish. (2024) Dueling Cartographies: science, positivism, art, and critical praxis. International Journal of Cartography.
Fish, C.S. and K.Q. Kreitzberg. (2023). Mapping in an Echo Chamber: How Cartographic Silence Frames Right-Wing Media’s Climate Change Denial. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2023.2227672. [article PDF] Open Access
Douglass, N. K. and C. Fish (2022). That's a relief: Assessing beauty, realism, and landform clarity in multilayer terrain maps. Cartographic Perspectives. 100, 45-66. DOI: 10.14714/CP100.1727. [article pdf] Open Access
Retchless, D., C. Fish, and J. Thatcher. (2022). Climate change communication beyond the digital divide: Exploring cartography’s role and privilege in climate action. Journal of Environmental Media. 3(1), pp.101-123. [doi:10.1386/jem_00074_1] [article pdf].
Fish, C.S. (2021). Elements of Vivid Cartography. The Cartographic Journal. [doi: 10.1080/00087041.2020.1800160] [article pdf].
Fish, C.S. (2020) Cartographic content analysis of compelling climate change communication. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. [doi: 10.1080/15230406.2020.1774421] [article pdf] Open Access
Fish, C. (2020). Storytelling for Making Cartographic Design Decisions for Climate Change Communication in the United States. Cartographica: The International Journal of Geographic Information and Geovisualization: 55(2), pp. 69–84. [doi: 10.3138/cart-2019-0019] [article pdf] Open Access
de Sherbinin, A., Bukvic, A., Rohat, G., Gall, M., McCusker, B, Preston, B., Apotsos, A., Fish, C., Kienberger, S., Muhonda, P., Wilhelmi, O., Macharia, D., Shubert, W., Sliuzas, R., Tomaszewski, B., Zhang, S. (2019) Climate Vulnerability Mapping: A Systematic Review and Future Prospects. WIRES Climate Change. [doi: 10.1002/wcc.600] [article pre-print]
Fish, C.S. (2018). Spatiotemporal Representation. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (4th Quarter 2018 Edition), John P. Wilson (Ed.). [doi: 10.22224/gistbok/2018.4.6.]
Griffin, A.L., White, T., Fish, C., Tomio, B., Huang, H.,Robbi-Sluter, C., Meza Bravo, J.V., Fabrikant, S.I., Bleisch, S., Yamada, M., Picanço, P (2017). Designing across map use contexts: a research agenda. International Journal of Cartography. [doi: 10.1080/23729333.2017.1315988] [article pdf]
Fish, C.S. and K. Calvert (2016). Analysis of interactive solar energy web maps for urban energy sustainability. Cartographic Perspectives, 85, 5-22.[doi: 10.14714/C P 8 5.1372 open access link] [article pdf]
Fish, C. S., & Piekielek, N. B. (2016). Targeting Disciplines for GIS Outreach Using Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Maps and Geography Libraries, 12(3), 258–280. [doi: 10.1080/15420353.2016.1221870] [article pdf]
Schaetzl, R. J., Enander, H., Luehmann, M.D., Lusch, D.P., Fish, C., Bigsby, M., Steigmeyer, M., Guasco, J., Forgacs, C., and Pollyea, A. (2013) Mapping the physiography of Michigan with GIS. Physical Geography 34(1): 2-39. [doi: 10.1080/02723646.2013.778531] [article pdf]
Fish, C., Goldsberry, K.P., and Battersby, S. (2011) Change blindness in animated choropleth maps: an empirical study. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 38(4): 350-362. [doi: 10.1559/15230406384350] [article pdf]
Book Chapters
Hauthal, E., D. Burghardt, D., C. Fish, A.L. Griffin. (2020) “Sentiment Analysis” In (Kobayashi) Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Second Edition: Elsevier. Pp. 169-177. [entry pdf]
Fish, C. and Brewer, C.A. (2015) "GIS as a Tool for Map Production" In: (Monmonier) The History of Cartography Project, Volume Six. University of Chicago Press; Chicago, Illinois. pp. 504-509.
Peer Reviewed Extended Abstracts
Fish, C.S. and A.L. Griffin. Emotional responses to climate change map framing using facial emotion recognition technology. Proceedings of the 28th International Cartographic Conference. Tokyo, Japan. July 2019. [abstract pdf]
Fish, C.S. Evaluating emotional responses to framing of climate change maps with facial emotion recognition technology. 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Melbourne, VIC, Australia. August 29, 2018. [abstract pdf]
Fish, C.S. Animation in the age of the animated .gif: The changing dynamics of dynamics in geovisual analytics. Workshop at the 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Melbourne, VIC, Australia. August 28, 2018. [abstract pdf]
Fish, C.S. A content analysis of climate change maps in the United States news media. Proceedings of the 28th International Cartographic Conference. Washington, DC. July 2-7, 2017. [abstract pdf]
Griffin, A.L., White, T., Fish, C.S., Tomio, B., Huang, H.,Robbi-Sluter, C., Meza Bravo, J.V., Fabrikant, S.I., Bleisch, S., Yamada, M., Picanço, P. Designing Across Map Use Contexts. Proceedings of the 28th International Cartographic Conference. Washington, DC. July 2-7, 2017. [abstract link]
Fish, C.S. and Calvert, K. Understanding Map Design for Energy Policy, Planning, and Technology Implementation. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Cartographic Association , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 25, 2015. [abstract pdf]
Goldsberry, K. and Fish, C.S. Legibility of transitions in dynamic geovisual displays: determining the influence of change blindness in geovisual analytics. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of GIScience, Zurich, Switzerland, September 15, 2010. [abstract pdf]
Fish, C.S. and Goldsberry, K. Evaluating the influence of tweening on human change perception in animated choropleth maps. In the Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Cartographic Conference, Santiago, Chile, November 18, 2009. [abstract pdf]
Proceedings, and Other Publications (Not Peer-Reviewed)
Fish, C.S. and Griffin, A.L. (2017). Emotional responses to climate change maps. Proceedings of the 28th International Cartographic Conference, Pre-conference Workshop on Maps and Emotion. Washington, DC. [abstract pdf]
Fish, C.S. 2015. Cartographic Challenges in Animated Mapping. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Cartographic Conference, Pre-conference Workshop on Envisioning the Future of Cartographic Research. Curitiba, Brazil: August 21, 2015. [white paper pdf]
Abbott, L., Barrett, A., Eissler, S., Fish, C.S., Lacey Goldberg, Mainzer, S., & Olsen, M. (2015). Community Perceptions of Local Foods: A mixed methods approach in State College, PA. University Park, PA: Hamer Center for Community Design. [monograph pdf]